Digital Philosophy

This site rejects the paradigm of the current internet as harmful. The site is extremely lightweight and should load quickly regardless of device. It mostly consists of plain-text with minimal styling to make it look good. You'll notice that images are a rarity or are handled with care. There are no cookies, no javascript, no ads, no tracking. No pop-ups, no hijacking your scrollbars, no bandwidth-hogging resources.

This site rejects the use of generative AI content as it is fundamentally different from other creative 'tools' in that it generates whole resources on its own with minimal input, resulting in soulless, hollow, non-human, automated imitations of human expression. Use in non-generative ways may be considered ethical on a case-by-case basis (accessibility, conversion, assistance types of tools), however often the use of these contributes to the same companies that produce human-hostile AI platforms. Generative AI compounds and accelerates the problems of capitalism when released to such societies, such as inequality. Technologies that could be used to help humankind are instead turned against it.

This site avoids becoming bloated like much of the web is these days. It respects your device, your eyes, and your attention. It does not place the burden on the reader to have high-end hardware or tech-knowledge. An ethical approach to site design that we've nearly lost to time. A garden, tended by hand instead of machine.

The Tech

Purposely lo-fi. This site is crafted with simplicity in mind. It is built using Bearblog, a lightweight, respectful blogging service that provides just enough utility to make it easy and desirable to write. Mostly text with some modest CSS.

This page was last edited 3 weeks, 2 days ago